Cloudera Enterprise 6.0 Beta | Other versions

Installing the Lily HBase Indexer Service

To query data stored in HBase, you must install the Lily HBase Indexer service. This service indexes the stream of records being added to HBase tables. This process is scalable, fault tolerant, transactional, and operates at near real-time (NRT). The typical delay is a few seconds between the time data arrives and the time the same data appears in search results.

Choosing where to Deploy the Lily HBase Indexer Service Processes

To accommodate the HBase ingest load, you can run as many Lily HBase Indexer services on different hosts as required. See the HBase replication documentation for details on how to plan the capacity. You can co-locate Lily HBase Indexer service processes with SolrCloud on the same set of hosts.

By default, this tool is included with Cloudera Search when you have installed CDH using parcels in a Cloudera Manager deployment. If you are using a package-based installation and this tool does not exist on your system, you can install it using the commands described in this topic.

  • RHEL compatible:
    sudo yum install hbase-solr-indexer hbase-solr-doc
  • Ubuntu/Debian:
    sudo apt-get install hbase-solr-indexer hbase-solr-doc
  • SLES:
    sudo zypper install hbase-solr-indexer hbase-solr-doc
  Important: For the Lily HBase Indexer to work with CDH 5, you may need to run the following command before issuing Lily HBase MapReduce jobs:
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=<Path to hbase-protocol-**.jar>
Page generated March 7, 2018.