Cloudera Enterprise 6.0 Beta | Other versions

Upgrading Cloudera Manager

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

This topic describes how to upgrade Cloudera Manager. When you upgrade Cloudera Manager using packages, you run operating system package commands from the command line, and then complete the upgrade using Cloudera Manager. Upgrading Cloudera Manager does not upgrade the version of CDH used in clusters managed by Cloudera Manager. For CDH upgrade steps, see Upgrading CDH and Managed Services Using Cloudera Manager.

Cloudera Manager 6.x supports upgrading from Cloudera Manager 5.7.0 or higher to Cloudera Manager 6.x. Downtime for the cluster is not required to complete this upgrade. Upgrades from any beta release of Cloudera Manager are not supported.

The Cloudera Manager upgrade process does the following:
  1. Upgrades the database schema to reflect the current version.
  2. Upgrades the Cloudera Manager Server and all supporting services.
  3. Upgrades the Cloudera Manager agent.
  4. Redeploys client configurations to ensure that client services have the most current configuration.

Continue reading:

Upgrading to the Cloudera Manager 6.0.0 Beta Release

You can upgrade your Cloudera Enterprise deployment to the beta release of 6.0.0. Please note the following:

  • Do not use this beta software in a production environment. It is intended only for evaluation purposes.
  • Rolling upgrades of CDH are not supported. Downtime is required.
  • Rollback of your software and data is not supported.
  • Upgrading to Cloudera Manager 6.0.0 beta requires the following:
    • Cloudera Manager version 5.7 or higher
    • All clusters managed by Cloudera Manager must be running CDH 5.7 or higher.
    • JDK 1.8 must be installed on all cluster hosts, including hosts in clusters that are still running CDH 5.7 or higher.
    • If you use the Solr Search service in your cluster, there are significant manual steps you must follow to upgrade. See Preparing Cloudera Search to Upgrade to CDH 6.
  • Upgrades to version 6.0.0 require the Agents to be upgraded on all hosts, and the Agents must be restarted.
  • Cloudera will not support upgrading from the Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.0 beta release to any generally available release of Cloudera Enterprise.
  • The following services are no longer supported as of Enterprise 6.0.0:
    • Accumulo
    • Sqoop 2
    • MapReduce 1

Before you Begin

Review the following documents for important information before beginning to plan your Cloudera Manager upgrade:

To upgrade Cloudera Manager, you must have ssh access to the Cloudera Manager server host using a root account or an account that has password-less sudo permission enabled.

Preparing to upgrade Cloudera Manager

The steps described in this section should be performed before beginning the upgrade. You should plan for adequate time ahead of the upgrade to complete these steps. If you are using Cloudera Navigator in your deployment, you may need to plan for additional time. See Backup the Cloudera Navigator Storage Directory.

  Note: If you have difficulty completing any of these steps, see Troubleshooting a Cloudera Manager Upgrade.

Establish Access to the Software

In order to upgrade Cloudera Manager needs access to a package repository that contains the updated software packages. Depending on whether or not Internet access is allowed from your cluster, you can establish access using one of two procedures. For each procedure, you need to create a file that informs Cloudera Manager of the location of the repository.

  1. If the Cloudera Manager server host has internet access, you can use the publicly available repositories from See Using the Public Repository (below) for how to reference the correct repository.
  2. If the Cloudera Manager server host does not have Internet access to, you must configure access to the Cloudera Manager software from a local package repository. See Creating and Using a Package Repository for Cloudera Manager.

Using the Public Repository

If the Cloudera Manager server host has access to the Internet (specifically to, you can create a file on the host that contains information about where to find the packages required for upgrading Cloudera Manager. Select the procedure for creating this file for your operating system:

  • RHEL

    1. Backup the current repository directory.
      cp -r /etc/yum.repos.d /tmp/yum.repos.d-backup
    2. Create a file called cloudera-manager.repo with the following content, replacing the values for the following items in italics:
      name=Cloudera Manager
      baseurl =<Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version>/<Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version>/redhat<major_OS_version>/yum
      gpgkey =<Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version>/redhat<major_OS_version>/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-cloudera
      gpgcheck = 1
      • <major_OS_version> -- The first digit of the operating system version number.

        For example, enter “7” if you are using RHEL 7.3.

      • <Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example, enter "6" if you are upgrading to Cloudera Manager 6.0.0.

      • <Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example: "6.0.0".

      For example, if your cluster is running RHEL 7.3 and you are upgrading to Cloudera Manager 6.0.0, the cloudera-manager.repo file looks like this:
      name=Cloudera Manager
    3. Save the file in the following location on the Cloudera Manager server host:
  • Debian

    1. Backup the current repository directory:
      cp -r /etc/apt/sources.list.d /tmp/sources.list.d-backup
    2. Create a file called cloudera.list with the following content, replacing the values for the following items in italics:
      deb [arch=amd64]<Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version>/<Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version>/debian<major_OS_version>/apt <OS version code name>-cm<Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version> contrib
      • <Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example, enter "6" if you are upgrading to Cloudera Manager 6.0.0.

      • <OS version code name> – The Debian code name for the operating system. For example: wheezy, jessie, or squeeze.
      • <Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example: "6.0.0".

      • <major_OS_version> -- The first digit of the operating system version number.

        For example, enter “8” if you are using Debian 8.

      For example:
      deb [arch=amd64] jessie-cm6.x.0 contrib
    3. Save the file in the following location on the Cloudera Manager server host:
  • Ubuntu

    1. Backup the current repository directory:
      cp -r /etc/apt/sources.list.d /tmp/sources.list.d-backup
    2. Create a file called cloudera.list with the following content, replacing the values for the following items in italics:
      deb [arch=amd64]<Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version>/<Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version>/ubuntu<Full_OS_version>/apt <OS version code name>-cm<Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version> contrib
      • <Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example, enter "6" if you are upgrading to Cloudera Manager 6.0.0.

      • <OS version code name> – The Ubuntu code name for the operating system. For example: xenial, trusty, precise .
      • <Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example: "6.0.0".

      • <Full_OS_version> -- The full version number of the operating system, without the decimal point.

        For example, enter “1604” if you are using Ubuntu 16.04.

      For example:
      deb [arch=amd64] xenial-cm6.x.0 contrib
    3. Save the file in the following location on the Cloudera Manager server host:
  • SLES

    1. Backup the current repo directory
      cp -r /etc/zypp/repos.d /tmp/zypp.repos.d-backup
    2. Create a file called cloudera-manager.repo with the following content, replacing the values for the following items in italics:
      name=Cloudera Manager
      baseurl =<Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version>/<Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version>/sles<major_OS_version>/yum
      gpgkey =<Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version>/sles<major_OS_version>/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-cloudera
      gpgcheck = 1
      • <major_OS_version> -- The first digit of the operating system version number.

        For example, enter “7” if you are using RHEL 7.3.

      • <Cloudera Manager Major Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example, enter "6" if you are upgrading to Cloudera Manager 6.0.0.

      • <Cloudera Manager Full Upgrade Version> -- The full version number of the version of Cloudera Manager that you are upgrading to.

        For example: "6.0.0".

      For example:
      # Packages for Cloudera Manager, Version 6.x.0, on sles 12, x86_64
      name=Cloudera Manager
    3. Save the file in the following location on the Cloudera Manager server host:

Backup the Databases

  1. Stop the Cloudera Management Service.
    1. Select Clusters > Cloudera Management Service.
    2. Select Actions > Stop.
  2. Backup the following Cloudera Manager databases:
    • Cloudera Manager Server
    • Reports Manager
    • Cloudera Navigator Audit Server (no backup needed if Navigator is not installed.)
    • Cloudera Navigator Metadata Server (no backup needed if Navigator is not installed.)
    • Activity Monitor (only used for monitoring of MapReduce 1) (only required for clusters using Map Reduce 1; not required for CDH 6 and higher.)
    To locate information about these databases (database type, hostname, and credentials):
    • Cloudera Manager Server – Log in to the Cloudera Manager host and examine the /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ file. For example:
      more /etc/cloudera-scm-server/
      # Auto-generated by on Fri Dec  9 08:51:29 PST 2016
      # For information describing how to configure the Cloudera Manager Server
      # to connect to databases, see the "Cloudera Manager Installation Guide."
    • All other databases – Go to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service > Configuration and select the Database category. You may need to contact your database administrator to obtain passwords.
    See Backing Up Databases for detailed instructions for each supported type of database.
  3. Start the Cloudera Management Service.
    1. Select Clusters > Cloudera Management Service.
    2. Select Actions > Start.

Backup the Cloudera Navigator Storage Directory

If you have Cloudera Navigator installed in your Cloudera Manager deployment, use the following procedure to backup the Cloudera Navigator storage directory:

Cloudera Manager upgrades Cloudera Navigator as part of the Cloudera Manager upgrade process. If you have Navigator Audit Server or Navigator Metadata Server deployed, follow the steps in this section to prepare the Cloudera Navigator data management component for upgrade and then continue with Upgrade to JDK 1.8.

  Note: Upgrading from Cloudera Manager 5.9 (Navigator 2.8) and earlier can take a significant amount of time, depending on the size of the Navigator Metadata storage directory. When the upgrade process completes and Cloudera Navigator services re-start, the Solr indexing upgrade automatically begins. No other actions can be performed until Solr indexing completes (progress message display during this process). It can take as long as two days to upgrade a storage directory with 60 GB. To help mitigate this problem, make sure to clear out all unnecessary metadata using purge; check the size of the storage directory and consider rerunning purge with tighter conditions to further reduce the size of the storage directory. See Upgrading from Cloudera Navigator 2.8 or Earlier Can be Extremely Slow
To find the version of Cloudera Navigator:
  1. Go to Clusters > Cloudera Navigator.

    The Cloudera Navigator user interface displays.

  2. Log in to Cloudera Navigator.
  3. Click the icon and select About.

    A dialog box displays the version number and other information about Cloudera Navigator.

To upgrade the Cloudera Navigator data management component:

  1. Stop the Navigator Metadata Server role:
    1. Go to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service > Instances.
    2. Select the Navigator Metadata Server.
    3. Click Actions for Selected > Stop.
  2. Back up the Navigator Metadata Server storage directory. To find the location of this directory:
    1. Go to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service > Instances.
    2. Click the Configuration tab.
    3. Select Scope > Navigator Metadata Server.

      The Navigator Metadata Server Storage Dir property stores the location of the directory.

  3. Start the Navigator Metadata Server role.
    1. Go to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service > Instances.
    2. Select the Navigator Metadata Server.
    3. Click Actions for Selected > Start.
  4. Make sure that the Navigator Metadata Server has sufficient memory to complete the upgrade.

    To estimate the required Java heap size:

    1. Open the log file for Navigator Metadata Server.

      By default, the mgmt-cmf-mgmt-NAVIGATORMETASERVER-host.log.out file is located in /var/log/cloudera-scm-navigator; you can also download this file through the Cloudera Management Service.

    2. Find the count of elements from a documents in solr core nav_elements line in the log.
    3. Find the count of relations from a documents in solr core nav_relations line in the log.
    4. Multiply the total number of documents by 200 bytes per document and add to a baseline of 2 GB:
      ((num_nav_elements + num_nav_relations) * 200 bytes) + 2 GB
      For example, if you had 68813088 elements and 78813930 relations, the recommended Java heap size is ~30 GB:
      ((68813088 + 78813930) * 200) + 2 GB
      13762617600 bytes = ~29.5 GB + 2 GB = ~ 31.5 GB

    Set the value in Clusters > Cloudera Management Service, Configuration tab, Java Heap Size of Navigator Metadata Server in Bytes option.

  5. Make sure a purge task has run recently to clear stale and deleted entities.

    If it hasn't run recently, run it from the Navigator console, Administration > Purge Settings tab.

    Set the purge process options to clear out as much of the backlog of data as you can tolerate for your upgraded system. See Managing Metadata Storage with Purge.

  6. If you are using an Oracle database, in SQL*Plus, ensure that the following additional privileges are set:
    GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_crypto TO nav;
    where nav is the user of the Navigator Audit Server database.

Upgrade to JDK 1.8

Cloudera Manager and CDH 6.0 and higher require Oracle JDK 1.8. If your deployment uses a lower version of the JDK, you must install JDK 1.8. You can install the JDK manually, on all cluster hosts, or you can install JDK 1.8 on the Cloudera Manager server host. When Cloudera Manager starts up, it switches to use JDK 1.8. Cloudera Manager can then install the new JDK and upgrade the Agents on all hosts.

Before beginning the JDK upgrade, establish access to the software, as described above.

To upgrade the JDK on the Cloudera Manager server host:

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager server host as root.
  2. Run the following command:
    • RHEL:
      sudo yum install oracle-j2sdk1.8.x86_64
    • SLES
      sudo zypper install oracle-j2sdk1.8.x86_64
    • Ubuntu/Debian
      sudo apt-get install oracle-j2sdk1.8.x86_64
  3. Open the following file in a text editor:
  4. Edit the line that begins with export JAVA_HOME and change the path to the path of the new JDK (you can find this under /usr/java).
    For example:
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_141-cloudera
  5. Save the file.

Upgrading Cloudera Manager

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
  2. Stop the Cloudera Management Service.
    1. Select Clusters > Cloudera Management Service.
    2. Select Actions > Stop.
  3. Stop any running commands from the Cloudera Manager Admin Console or wait for them to complete.
      Important: If you do not stop all commands, the Cloudera Manager Server could fail to start.
  4. Log in to the Cloudera Manager server host as the root user, or as a user with password-less sudo privileges.
  5. Stop the Cloudera Manager Server by running the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server stop
  6. If you are using the embedded PostgreSQL database with Cloudera Manager, stop the database by running the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db stop

    If you are not using the embedded database service and you attempt to stop it, you will receive a message indicating that the service cannot be found.

    If the database shutdown fails due to connected services, run the following command:
    • RHEL-compatible 7 and higher:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db next_stop_fast
      sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db stop
    • All other Linux distributions:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db fast_stop
  7. If the Cloudera Manager host is also running the Cloudera Manager Agent, run the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-agent stop
  8. Backup the following directories on the Cloudera Manager server host.
    • /etc/cloudera-scm-server
    • /etc/cloudera-scm-agent
  9. Run the following command to clean the cache directories and upgrade the software:
    sudo yum clean all
    sudo yum upgrade cloudera-manager-server cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent
    • yum clean all cleans yum cache directories, ensuring that you download and install the latest versions of the packages.
    • If your system is not up to date, any underlying system components must be upgraded before yum update can run. yum indicates which components must be upgraded.
    • If the Cloudera Manager instance you are upgrading uses the embedded PostgreSQL database, add cloudera-manager-server-db-2 to the list of packages in the yum upgrade command.

      The embedded PostgreSQL database should not be used in production environments.


    To upgrade from your own repository:

    sudo zypper clean --all
    sudo zypper update package cloudera-manager-server cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent

    If the Cloudera Manager instance you are upgrading uses the embedded PostgreSQL database, add cloudera-manager-server-db-2 to the list of packages in the zypper update command.

    The embedded PostgreSQL database should not be used in production environments.

    Ubuntu or Debian
    The following commands clean cached repository information and update Cloudera Manager components:
    sudo apt-get clean
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get install cloudera-manager-server cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent

    If the Cloudera Manager instance you are upgrading uses the embedded PostgreSQL database, add cloudera-manager-server-db-2 to the list of packages in the apt-get install command.

    The embedded PostgreSQL database should not be used in production environments.

    During this process, you might be prompted about your configuration file version:
    Configuration file `/etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini'
    ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
    ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
    What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
    Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
    N or O : keep your currently-installed version
    D : show the differences between the versions
    Z : start a shell to examine the situation
    The default action is to keep your current version.

    You will receive a similar prompt for /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ Answer N to both prompts.

  10. On the Cloudera Manager Server host, verify that you now have the following packages, corresponding to the version of Cloudera Manager you installed, by running the following command:
    RPM-based distributions
    rpm -qa 'cloudera-manager-*'
    For example:
    $ rpm -qa 'cloudera-manager-*'
    cloudera-manager-server-6.0 Beta Beta-0.cm5130.p0.38.el6.x86_64
    cloudera-manager-agent-6.0 Beta Beta-0.cm5130.p0.38.el6.x86_64
    cloudera-manager-daemons-6.0 Beta Beta-0.cm5130.p0.38.el6.x86_64
    Ubuntu or Debian
    dpkg-query -l 'cloudera-manager-*'
    For example:
    ~# dpkg-query -l 'cloudera-manager-*'
    | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
    |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
    ||/ Name                   Version                Description
    ii  cloudera-manager-agent 6.0 Beta Beta-0.cm5130.p0.38~sq The Cloudera Manager Agent
    ii  cloudera-manager-daemo 6.0 Beta Beta-0.cm5130.p0.38~sq Provides daemons for monitoring Hadoop and related tools.
    ii  cloudera-manager-serve 6.0 Beta Beta-0.cm5130.p0.38~sq The Cloudera Manager Server
      Note: You might also see an entry for the cloudera-manager-server-db-2 if you are using the embedded PostgreSQL database, and additional packages for plug-ins, depending on what was previously installed on the server host. If the cloudera-manager-server-db-2 package is installed, and you do not plan to use the embedded database, you can remove this package.
  11. Start the Cloudera Manager Server. On the Cloudera Manager Server host (the host on which you installed the cloudera-manager-server package), do the following:
    1. If you are using the embedded PostgreSQL database for Cloudera Manager, start the database. If your installation uses other databases, Cloudera Manager reconnects with them after starting.
      sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-server-db
    2. Start the Cloudera Manager Server:
      sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-server
  12. If you previously stopped the Cloudera Manager Agent, start the agent:
    sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-agent
  13. Log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console (?? as what user role??). It can take several minutes for Cloudera Manager Server to start, and the console is unavailable until the server startup is complete.

    The Upgrade Wizard displays.

  14. Upgrade the Cloudera Manager Agent. Cloudera Manager can do this for you, (recommended) or you can upgrade the agents manually on all hosts managed by this instance of Cloudera Manager. When Cloudera Manager upgrades the Cloudera Manager agent, Cloudera Manager handles the upgrade and cleanup, and, optionally, upgrades the JDK. If you are not using JDK 1.8, you must upgrade to JDK 1.8 on all managed hosts.
    • To use Cloudera Manager to upgrade the Agents:
      1. Select Yes, I would like to upgrade the Cloudera Manager Agent packages now.
      2. Click Continue.

        The Select Repository screen of the Upgrade Wizard displays.

      3. Select the release of the Cloudera Manager Agent to install. Normally, this is the Matched Release for this Cloudera Manager Server. However, if you used a custom repository (instead of for the Cloudera Manager server, select Custom Repository and provide the following information:
        • Custom Repository URL

          RHEL This is the same URL you created when creating the cloudera-manager.repo file, in the line beginning with baseurl=.

          Ubuntu/Debian: This is the same URL you created in the cloudera.list file in the line beginning with deb .

        • SLES Locate the URL for your upgrade version in the Repo File column in the Cloudera Manager 6 Version and Download Information table for your Cloudera Manager version. Use the URL from the line that begins with baseurl=.
        • Custom GPG Key URL

          RHEL This is the same URL you created when creating the cloudera-manager.repo file, in the line beginning with gpgkey=.

          Ubuntu/Debian: Create this URL by adding /Release.gpg to the Custom Repository URL .

        • SLES Locate the URL for your upgrade version in the Repo File column in the Cloudera Manager 6 Version and Download Information table for your Cloudera Manager version. Change cloudera-cm.repo to RPM-GPG-KEY-cloudera
        The custom repository location must contain the matched Agent version. See Creating and Using a Package Repository for Cloudera Manager. Custom local repositories are required when Cloudera Manager cannot access the Internet.
      4. Click Continue.

        The JDK Installation Options page displays.

        1. If you want Cloudera Manager to install JDK 1.8 on all cluster hosts, select Install Oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) .
        2. If local laws permit you to deploy unlimited strength encryption, and you are running a secure cluster, select the Install Java Unlimited Strength Encryption Policy Files checkbox.
      5. Click Continue.
      6. Specify credentials and initiate Agent installation:
        1. Select root for the root account, or select Another user and enter the username for an account that has password-less sudo permission.
        2. Select an authentication method:
          • If you choose password authentication, enter and confirm the password.
          • If you choose public-key authentication, provide a passphrase and path to the required key files.

          You can modify the default SSH port if necessary.

        3. Specify the maximum number of host installations to run at once. The default and recommended value is 10. You can adjust this based on your network capacity.
      7. Click Continue.

        The Cloudera Manager Agent packages and, if selected, the JDK are installed.

      8. Click Continue.

        The Host Inspector runs to inspect your managed hosts for correct versions and configurations. If problems occur, you can make changes and then rerun the inspector.

        When you are satisfied with the inspection results, click Continue.

    • To upgrade the Cloudera Manager Agents manually:
      1. On all cluster hosts except the Cloudera Manager Server host, stop the Agent:
        sudo service cloudera-scm-agent stop
      2. Select No, I would like to skip the agent upgrade now and click Continue.
      3. Run the following commands on all hosts except the Cloudera Manager Server host:
        sudo yum clean all
        sudo yum upgrade cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent
        1. yum clean all cleans yum cache directories, ensuring that you download and install the latest versions of the packages.
        2. If your system is not up to date, any underlying system components must be upgraded before yum update can run. yum indicates which components must be upgraded.
        3. If the Cloudera Manager instance you are upgrading uses the embedded PostgreSQL database, add cloudera-manager-server-db-2 to the list of packages in the yum upgrade command. Do not use the embedded PostgreSQL database in production environments.
        sudo zypper clean --all
        sudo zypper -y upgrade cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent 
        Ubuntu or Debian
        Use the following commands to clean cached repository information and update Cloudera Manager components:
        sudo apt-get clean
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        sudo apt-get install cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-daemons

        If the Cloudera Manager instance you are upgrading uses the embedded PostgreSQL database, add cloudera-manager-server-db-2 to the list of packages in the apt-get install command. Do not use the embedded PostgreSQL database in production environments.

        During this process, you might be prompted about your configuration file version:
        Configuration file '/etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini'
        ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
        ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
        What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
        Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
        N or O : keep your currently-installed version
        D : show the differences between the versions
        Z : start a shell to examine the situation
        The default action is to keep your current version.

        You will receive a similar prompt for /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ Answer N to both prompts.

      4. If you customized the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini file, your customized file is renamed with the extension .rpmsave or .dpkg-old. Merge any customizations into the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini file that is installed by the package manager.
      5. On all cluster hosts, start the Agent:
        sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-agent
      6. Click Continue. The Host Inspector inspects your managed hosts for correct versions and configurations. If problems occur, you can make changes and then rerun the inspector. When you are satisfied with the inspection results, click Continue.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. The Review Changes page displays. Review the configuration changes to be applied and click Continue.

    The Restart Cloudera Management Service page displays.

  17. Click Continue.

    The Cloudera Management Service starts.

  18. Click Finish.

    The Home page displays.

    All services (except for any services you stopped) should now be running. It may take several minutes for all the services to show good health.

  19. If you upgraded the JDK, do the following:
    1. If the Cloudera Manager Server host is also running a Cloudera Manager Agent, restart the Cloudera Manager Server:
      sudo systemctl restart cloudera-scm-server

      If the Cloudera Manager Server does not start, see Troubleshooting Installation Problems.

    2. Restart all services:
      1. On the Home > Status tab, click next to the cluster name and select Restart.
      2. In the confirmation dialog box that displays, click Restart.
  20. If Cloudera Manager reports stale configurations after the upgrade, restart the cluster services and redeploy the client configurations. If you are also upgrading CDH, this step is not required. Stale configurations can occur after a Cloudera Manager upgrade when a configuration value has changed, or new configuration options are added. Configuration changes that result in Cloudera Manager reporting stale configurations are described the Cloudera Manager release notes.
    1. On the Home > Status tab, click next to the cluster name and select Restart.
    2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Restart.
    3. On the Home > Status tab, click next to the cluster name and select Deploy Client Configuration.
    4. In the confirmation dialog box, click Deploy Client Configuration.
  21. If upgrading from Navigator 2.6 or lower:
    1. Start and log into the Cloudera Navigator data management component UI. The Upgrading Navigator page displays. Depending on the amount of data in the Navigator Metadata Server storage directory, the upgrade process can take three to four hours or longer.
    1. When the upgrade is complete, click Continue. The Cloudera Navigator landing page is displayed.
  22. The Cloudera Manager upgrade is now complete. If Cloudera Manager is not working correctly, or you the upgrade did not complete, see Troubleshooting a Cloudera Manager Upgrade.
Page generated March 7, 2018.