Cloudera Enterprise 6.0 Beta | Other versions

Impala Daemon Metrics

In addition to these base metrics, many aggregate metrics are available. If an entity type has parents defined, you can formulate all possible aggregate metrics using the formula base_metric_across_parents.

In addition, metrics for aggregate totals can be formed by adding the prefix total_ to the front of the metric name.

Use the type-ahead feature in the Cloudera Manager chart browser to find the exact aggregate metric name, in case the plural form does not end in "s".

For example, the following metric names may be valid for Impala Daemon:

  • alerts_rate_across_clusters
  • total_alerts_rate_across_clusters

Some metrics, such as alerts_rate, apply to nearly every metric context. Others only apply to a certain service or role.

For more information about metrics, see Cloudera Manager Metrics and Metric Aggregation.

Metric Name Description Unit Parents CDH Version
alerts_rate The number of alerts. events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
assignments_rate The number of assignments assignments per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_agent_bytes_left_rate Number of bytes of audit events still to be sent to the Audit Server. bytes per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_agent_bytes_sent_rate Number of bytes of audit events successfully sent by Cloudera Manager Agent to the Audit Server. bytes per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_agent_events_sent_rate Number of audit events successfully sent by Cloudera Manager Agent to the Audit Server. events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_agent_send_failures_rate Number of time Cloudera Manager Agent encountered failure when sending audit event(s) to the Audit Server. errors per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_plugin_coalesced_rate Number of audit events coalesced events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_plugin_events_rate Number of audit events persisted to local filesystem events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_plugin_exceptions_rate Number of exception encountered when processing audit events errors per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_plugin_filtered_rate Number of audit events that were filtered based on user specified criteria events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
audit_plugin_parse_errors_rate Number of audit events that cannot be parsed errors per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
backends_client_cache_clients_in_use The number of active Impala Backend clients. These clients are for communication with other Impala Daemons. clients cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
backends_client_cache_total_clients The total number of Impala Backend clients in this Impala Daemon's client cache. These clients are for communication with other Impala Daemons. clients cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
catalog_num_databases The number of databases in the catalog. databases cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
catalog_num_tables The number of tables in the catalog. table cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_cpu_system_rate CPU usage of the role's cgroup seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_cpu_user_rate User Space CPU usage of the role's cgroup seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_mem_page_cache Page cache usage of the role's cgroup bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_mem_rss Resident memory of the role's cgroup bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_mem_swap Swap usage of the role's cgroup bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_read_bytes_rate Bytes read from all disks by the role's cgroup bytes per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_read_ios_rate Number of read I/O operations from all disks by the role's cgroup ios per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_write_bytes_rate Bytes written to all disks by the role's cgroup bytes per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cgroup_write_ios_rate Number of write I/O operations to all disks by the role's cgroup ios per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
completed_query_monitoring_failure_rate The number of failures encountered by Cloudera Manager Agent when monitoring completed queries. failures per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cpu_system_rate Total System CPU seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
cpu_user_rate Total CPU user time seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
events_critical_rate The number of critical events. events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
events_important_rate The number of important events. events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
events_informational_rate The number of informational events. events per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
executing_query_monitoring_failure_rate The number of failures encountered by Cloudera Manager Agent when monitoring executing queries. failures per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
fd_max Maximum number of file descriptors file descriptors cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
fd_open Open file descriptors. file descriptors cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
hash_table_total_bytes The current size of all allocated hash tables. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
health_bad_rate Percentage of Time with Bad Health seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
health_concerning_rate Percentage of Time with Concerning Health seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
health_disabled_rate Percentage of Time with Disabled Health seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
health_good_rate Percentage of Time with Good Health seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
health_unknown_rate Percentage of Time with Unknown Health seconds per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
io_mgr_num_buffers The number of allocated IO buffers. IO buffers are shared by all queries. buffers cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
io_mgr_num_open_files The current number of files opened by the IO Manager files cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
io_mgr_num_unused_buffers The number of unused IO buffers. IO buffers are shared by all queries. buffers cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
io_mgr_total_bytes Number of bytes used by IO buffers (used and unused). bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
local_assignments_rate Number of assignments operating on local data assignments per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_pool_total_bytes The current size of the memory pool shared by all queries bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_rss Resident memory used bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_swap Amount of swap memory used by this role's process. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_tracker_process_bytes_freed_by_last_gc The amount of memory freed by the last memory tracker garbage collection. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_tracker_process_bytes_over_limit The amount of memory by which the process was over its memory limit the last time the memory limit was encountered. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_tracker_process_limit The total amount of memory available to the memory tracker over the life of the process. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_tracker_process_num_gcs_rate The total number of garbage collections performed by the memory tracker over the life of the process. garbage collections per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
mem_virtual Virtual memory used bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_backends The number of backend connections from this Impala Daemon to other Impala Daemons. backends cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_files_open_for_insert The number of HDFS files currently open for writing. files cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_fragments_rate The total number of query fragments processed over the life of the process query fragments per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_open_beeswax_sessions The number of open Beeswax sessions. sessions cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_open_hiveserver2_sessions The number of open HiveServer2 sessions. sessions cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_queries_expired_rate Number of queries expired due to inactivity. queries per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_queries_rate The total number of queries processed over the life of the process queries per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
num_sessions_expired_rate Number of sessions expired due to inactivity. sessions per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
oom_exits_rate The number of times the role's backing process was killed due to an OutOfMemory error. This counter is only incremented if the Cloudera Manager "Kill When Out of Memory" option is enabled. exits per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
read_bytes_rate The number of bytes read from the device bytes per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
scan_ranges_num_missing_volume_id_rate The total number of scan ranges read over the life of the process that did not have volume metadata scan ranges per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
scan_ranges_rate The total number of scan ranges read over the life of the process scan ranges per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_heartbeat_interval_time_last The most recent interval between heartbeats from this Impala Daemon to the StateStore. seconds   CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_heartbeat_interval_time_max The maximum interval between heartbeats from this Impala Daemon to the StateStore. This is calculated over the lifetime of the Impala Daemon. seconds   CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_heartbeat_interval_time_mean The average interval between heartbeats from this Impala Daemon to the StateStore. This is calculated over the lifetime of the Impala Daemon. seconds   CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_heartbeat_interval_time_min The minimum interval between heartbeats from this Impala Daemon to the StateStore. This is calculated over the lifetime of the Impala Daemon. seconds   CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_heartbeat_interval_time_rate The total number of samples taken of the Impala Daemon's StateStore heartbeat interval. samples per second   CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_heartbeat_interval_time_stddev The standard deviation in the interval between heartbeats from this Impala Daemon to the StateStore. This is calculated over the lifetime of the Impala Daemon. seconds   CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_last_recovery_duration The amount of time the StateStore subscriber took to recover the connection the last time it was lost. seconds cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_statestore_client_cache_clients_in_use The number of active StateStore subscriber clients in this Impala Daemon's client cache. These clients are for communication from this role to the StateStore. connections cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
statestore_subscriber_statestore_client_cache_total_clients The total number of StateStore subscriber clients in this Impala Daemon's client cache. These clients are for communication from this role to the StateStore. connections cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
tcmalloc_bytes_in_use Number of bytes used by the application. This will not typically match the memory use reported by the OS, because it does not include TCMalloc overhead or memory fragmentation. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
tcmalloc_pageheap_free_bytes Number of bytes in free, mapped pages in page heap. These bytes can be used to fulfill allocation requests. They always count towards virtual memory usage, and unless the underlying memory is swapped out by the OS, they also count towards physical memory usage. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
tcmalloc_pageheap_unmapped_bytes Number of bytes in free, unmapped pages in page heap. These are bytes that have been released back to the OS, possibly by one of the MallocExtension "Release" calls. They can be used to fulfill allocation requests, but typically incur a page fault. They always count towards virtual memory usage, and depending on the OS, typically do not count towards physical memory usage. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
tcmalloc_physical_bytes_reserved Derived metric computing the amount of physical memory (in bytes) used by the process, including that actually in use and free bytes reserved by tcmalloc. Does not include the tcmalloc metadata. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
tcmalloc_total_bytes_reserved Bytes of system memory reserved by TCMalloc. bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thread_manager_running_threads The number of running threads in this process. threads cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thread_manager_threads_created_rate Threads created over the lifetime of the process. threads per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thrift_server_backend_connections_in_use The number of active Impala Backend client connections to this Impala Daemon. connections cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thrift_server_backend_connections_rate The total number of Impala Backend client connections made to this Impala Daemon over its lifetime. connections per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thrift_server_beeswax_frontend_connections_in_use The number of active Beeswax API connections to this Impala Daemon. connections cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thrift_server_beeswax_frontend_connections_rate The total number of Beeswax API connections made to this Impala Daemon over its lifetime. connections per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thrift_server_hiveserver2_frontend_connections_in_use The number of active HiveServer2 API connections to this Impala Daemon. connections cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
thrift_server_hiveserver2_frontend_connections_rate The total number of HiveServer2 API connections made to this Impala Daemon over its lifetime. connections per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
unexpected_exits_rate The number of times the role's backing process exited unexpectedly. exits per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
uptime For a host, the amount of time since the host was booted. For a role, the uptime of the backing process. seconds cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
web_metrics_collection_duration Web Server Responsiveness ms cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
write_bytes_rate The number of bytes written to the device bytes per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_backends_connection_setup_queue_size The number of connections to the Impala Backend Server that have been accepted but are awaiting setup connections cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_clean_page_bytes Total bytes of clean page memory cached in the buffer pool bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_clean_pages Total number of clean pages cached in the buffer pool pages cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_free_buffer_bytes Total bytes of free buffer memory cached in the buffer pool bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_free_buffers Total number of free buffers cached in the buffer pool buffers cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_limit Maximum allowed bytes allocated by the buffer pool bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_reserved Total bytes of buffers reserved by Impala subsystems bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_buffer_pool_system_allocated Total buffer memory currently allocated by the buffer pool bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_hedged_read_ops_rate The number of hedged reads that have been attempted operations per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_hedged_read_ops_win_rate The number of times the hedged read returned faster than the original read operations per second cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_memory_anon_huge_page_bytes Total bytes of anonymous (a.k.a. transparent) huge pages used by this process bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_memory_mapped_bytes Total bytes of memory mappings in this process (the virtual memory size) bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_memory_num_maps Total number of memory mappings in this process regions cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_memory_rss Resident set size (RSS) of this process, including TCMalloc, buffer pool and Jvm bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
impala_memory_total_used Total memory currently used by TCMalloc and buffer pool bytes cluster, impala, rack CDH 5
Page generated March 7, 2018.