Cloudera Enterprise 6.0 Beta | Other versions

Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Cloudera Manager Agents

Starting Agents

To start Agents, the supervisord process, and all managed service processes, use the following command:
  • Start
    sudo service cloudera-scm-agent start

Stopping and Restarting Agents

To stop or restart Agents while leaving the managed processes running, use one of the following commands:
  • Stop
    sudo service cloudera-scm-agent stop
  • Restart
    sudo service cloudera-scm-agent restart

Hard Stopping and Restarting Agents

  Warning: The hard_stop and hard_restart commands kill all running managed service processes on the host(s) where the command is run.
To stop or restart Agents, the supervisord process, and all managed service processes, use one of the following commands:
  • Hard Stop
    • RHEL-compatible 7 and higher:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-agent next_stop_hard
      sudo service cloudera-scm-agent stop
    • All other Linux distributions:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-agent hard_stop
  • Hard Restart
    • RHEL-compatible 7 and higher:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-agent next_stop_hard
      sudo service cloudera-scm-agent restart
    • All other Linux distributions:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-agent hard_restart
    Hard restart is useful for the following situations:
    1. You are upgrading Cloudera Manager and the supervisord code has changed between your current version and the new one. To properly do this upgrade you need to restart supervisor too.
    2. supervisord freezes and needs to be restarted.
    3. You want to clear out all running state pertaining to Cloudera Manager and managed services.

Checking Agent Status

To check the status of the Agent process, use the command:
sudo service cloudera-scm-agent status
Page generated March 7, 2018.