Cloudera Enterprise 6.0 Beta | Other versions

Accessing Table Information with REST

Table information can be retrieved from any host that has HTTP access to the host where the WebHCat server is running. A Web browser or an HTTP client such as curl or wget can be used to verify the functionality.

The base URL for REST access to table information is http://<SERVERHOST>:50111/templeton/v1/ddl.

Examples of specific URLs:


Example output:


Supported REST Endpoints

The General and DDL endpoints are supported, for accessing Hive metadata. If you need submission capabilities for MapReduce, Hive, or Pig jobs, consider using Oozie, which is a more mature interface. See Installing Oozie.

Category Resource Type Description
General :version (GET) Return a list of supported response types.
status (GET) Return the WebHCat server status.
version (GET) Return a list of supported versions and the current version.
version/hive (GET) Return the Hive version being run.
version/hadoop (GET) Return the Hadoop version being run.
DDL ddl (POST) Perform an HCatalog DDL command.
ddl/database (GET) List HCatalog databases.
ddl/database/:db (GET) Describe an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db (PUT) Create an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db (DELETE) Delete (drop) an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db/table (GET) List the tables in an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (GET) Describe an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (PUT) Create a new HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (POST) Rename an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (DELETE) Delete (drop) an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:existingtable/like/:newtable (PUT) Create a new HCatalog table like an existing one.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition (GET) List all partitions in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (GET) Describe a single partition in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (PUT) Create a partition in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (DELETE) Delete (drop) a partition in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column (GET) List the columns in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column/:column (GET) Describe a single column in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column/:column (PUT) Create a column in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property (GET) List table properties.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property/:property (GET) Return the value of a single table property.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property/:property (PUT) Set a table property.
Page generated March 7, 2018.